Died twice but i am finally past 41%!!! ...I mean..about time! So now I will make a push to 41.50% or 41.70% by tonight. Then tomorrow I can get to 42%, or 43%. Then by the end of this week I can be at 45% or if I really hunt like crazy...toi mostly, and fv, and giant area....then I can MAYBE get to 50%....the big milestone!!!!
Drops....about 18-20 31f scrolls, n-dai, 3 nzels (sold the dai, and zels)
several katanas, a few platemails, many mana pots....enough to last until i am lvl 65! Many rubies, including high quality....either we will sell them or gamble them.
Yogita has reached 7%....maybe she will have 9-10% by the end of this week.
I am hoping that we can get the rof's that we need for fire resistance. Those demons and hurt alot! I am thinking about using a homr (+6 of course!) for toi 21+ floors...i would lose 2 dex....and that would hurt....gotta think of something though....100% mr with 70% fire resist...yummy!
Ok i gotta go...2 more classes...i will play lineage just before my last class...maybe 1hr, and 10 minutes.