Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I got ZERO exp yesterday....I was all stoked and ready to go...then...I fizzled out.
I just felt so.....drained. I needed to head to bed early. Now I feel more charged, and Yogita wants to at it. She is 84% so she is inching closer. Perhaps by the end of next week she can lvl. This weekend we will be very busy.

Ok some pictures like I promised.

Ok i died...yeah...basically communication between yogita and i was out of synch...we both paniced. I died....yogita ran. Basically this happened...these HUGE ungly monsters stroll over....this posionous mist smacks into me....boom i am all green..
then...i notice thier names...ok one dude is like green..ok then i am ready commence ass kicking mode...then i notice one of them is like gold...O.O. HUH? I am lvl 54 so a gold name means this ugly dude means business...basically I run in circles wondering what to do...yogita is asking what I want to do. She is usaually very brave and dies to bosses all the time. This time...she was smart...she could see her husband had no clue, so she high tailed it and told me to do the same. But..me I am still in what heck should I do mode, since ass kicking mode may or may not be an option now with this lvl 54+ monster who is just so ugly right there....poor death knight aka elf with a +8 thors went splat.

CAN SOME PLEASE TELL US...who is the squid thing? We wacked on it for like 15 mins or so....

Ok i gotta go..


Monday, November 24, 2008

Getting her to lvl!!!

Now it is Yogita's turn. She is so close to lvl 52 we can just smell it. I want to celebrate her lvling up. These days we are planning on getting about 1-2% a day. I hope that perhaps tomorrow we can average about 2% day. I will be able to lvl by the middle of dec. maybe even sooner.

We have been trying one of the new areas...and quite simply it is very nice. I the quest to make the travelers pouch is nice. We are in need of the items that can be found in them, while the exp gain is very very nice.

I will post some pics of our adventures later today. Tomorrow will be a long day work wise so I...will only get 1%, which will be the same for today. Thursday I will meet some students for dinner, so...that will be even less exp then.


Money matters....we need to make more dough, cause....I want to get us moonbows, and some battle specific gear. For example, areas where magic resist is needed, then a high -ac mr set. Or if we are on fi and need more ac, then we will have on a high ac set. I think we need to be more diverse if we want to keep our edge.

Ok i gotta go.....GO GO GO YOGITA!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

2x exp!!!!!

Yeah..well seeing as though I am now heading back to Korea....16hrs total flight time...and about....12 hours in between flights...ugh. Well it is not all that bad because i still made about 4.5% so far...which is very good considering...the amount of work that goes into a move like this. In Alaska all told...I must have gotten like...20%. I aim to get more during my 8 hours layover in Portland...ugh I hate lay overs but they have a FREE wifi so..that will be nice. Actually Anchorage also has a free wifi too..so thats pretty sweet.

Ok on to some pics...these are really special just the fishing pic...
I am doing alot of fire valley during the 2x exp event. I am also doing more and more 34-35 floor. I also found out that I can tank many nightmares..nicely with use of a few pots...lesser demons...not any more with out the raw power of the old vt spell...they hurt way to much for me. I did get a ndai from a ash so..that was nice.
I and yogita have been hoarding nzels..we will blow all of the bcomr that we have...we have 50-60 of them on my storage chars. I will post the results here.
Jeff...come on over to Korea....I hope your getting good exp. Uh...that came out of no where.

Moonfang it was good to see u!! I hope ur back for a good long time.

Uh yeah that came out of no where.

Devdas......uh...nothing to say there.

Ok i gotta get some lineage in before I go to the check in...I HATE SECURITY CHECKS....DAMM MY FEET MIGHT STINK..or my socks might be DIRTY...UGH...

Oh well...gotta get to my baby!!!

I call her..bbb

