Sunday, December 28, 2008

Some nice screen shots!!

Well I have been getting some really nice steady exp...but forget that..we finally got our p-armor. This armor I think is very very has 6hp/mp regen, 10hp bonus with a very nice 31mp bonus.

Cause this item came on the scene Ala's dropped in value in a crazy way! YEARS ago it was like almost 18-20mill, now...more like 7-8mill. Basically it just is nothing compared to the +8 p armor. Same ac, and ....more hp regen (very good for elves, water elves will love this even more, nice for mages too...+31mp on my mage helps alot! It has the same mp regen as the new king armor i was using...but with more mp bonus on it. So I can switch between my mage and elf...I did it today to great effect on it8.

Ok on to the screenshots....

Uh the underwater area in heine has changed ALOT. What is the water spirit...oh and the worm...even though it is red to me...I know I can take it solo...u just need some really nice mr, and elemental resist would be nice too. basically yogita and I could take many of the sub bosses down there. Drops? It seems that this area will become very popular for c-scrolls...the worm dropped 5 czels!!! And the dude that actually got the drops (I helped out), gave me and another guy 1 czel each!!

So now I like that area...esp for hunting those bosses. Now the Kupa boss...or sub boss...I just could not take the damage...that other mop the sea dancer was hitting me, and I had cursed mermen after me too...

We have done alot of dragon hunting and we are getting loads of gems from this event...need to get dragon scales from the gem merchant....

Ok tata!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

How to make the moonbow

Ok this was taken from Coronis's blog over at lineageone.

Here is a link to his very detailed info on completing the quest.

Here I will post a much slimmed down version. Mostly for Yogita and I to quickly look at while hunting for the items needed. Firstly I am glad that there are no expensive dragon scales....

ok here it is once again taken from his site...oh yeah here is the link and to Coronis thanks ALOT.

First talk to Robinhood (...LOL)

Give hime apple juice.

4 unicorn horns (island of dreams)
30 breaths of fire, water, earth, wind, and darkness (Lastabad)

*...this might be the hard part...I dont think that these alone are expensive to buy..but..who knows.

20 tears of spirit (elven dung.)

1 spirit of eva (eva temple)

This is just for the bow frame..not the actual bow.

Part 2

Here is where it is good to know where to hunt to get high quality gems

Because to need to bring 10 of each to Jibril in the temple of Eva. (Coronis also meantions that you need an extra 10 tears of spirit)

Once all of these are given to jibril he will give you the dagger of eva, talk to him again and you will get sacred water of eva. (Coronis warned not to click this as it is needed to kill the Cursed Exorcist Sael.

SO with the eva dagger, and sacred water of eva, you have to locate the mop mentioned above in the underwater part of hiene caves...we plan to just use the tele scrolls. Once he is found THEN drink the sacred water of eva.

Take out the monster, and it should drop ring of Saell. Now like many quest in lineage you have to solo her, no grouping. According to Coronis's guide you will have to start all over again if someone else hits her.

Ugh this is quite complicated....but not 70 mill complicated...
You have to return the ring of Saell to jibril....then he will give you Spirit of Moonlight.

Now you take this to robin hood (elven forest), here he will give you a ring of robin hood, and a second list of items to get. (they are very much yumi like items, with griff feathers thrown I know why griff feathers are in high demand now...)

30 griff feathers
40 mith threads
1 ori coated horn
12 ori plates
1 of each highest qualith gems

whew...get those along with the ring and you get the bow.

Now the reason why I placed this here and once again special thanks to Coronis, and Cosa, because this is were it came from; is because we need more sources for guides, lindb is down, lineageone was down for a while. We need more people to put guides up...even if there are others...the more there is, the better. We will have backup sources of information.

Ok I will edit this later with Yogita's polish it up more. Please let me know if I have made any mistakes..


Sunday, December 21, 2008

....Some people......

Ok the event has been going really well for us...we have about 91 nzels...about 30 of them have come from this addition to 3 bzels so far...gotta love that! Also we have discovered that we rock on 41f, and 44f. I think Moonfang if you join us you ought to use a bow...sounds weird but.. I think we could really pull off some nice stuff up there.

Just to let everyone know..Moonfang is one of the best mages to group up with for a lesser dragon hunt. He loves to think outside of the box, and try unconventional approaches. Usually with other mages this does not sit well, which leaves Yogita and I kinda bored.

Well...some people...this guy Valeor....what a can I describe him. I will say this...he is a warmonger. He wants a fight and will use any situation to insure that is what he will get. Yogita and I were kicking ld butt, and nike99999 or something like that stole one dragon, then went after our drops. After each time he would go ^^.
Such an asshole. Well...we attacked him, and venzed a de who wanted to help him. We venzed the de twice and the nike character several times. Then valeor shows up. Yogita and I ask him..are you helping Nike. He says nothing...we see drops on the we proceed to take them. Now at this moment..we have just venzed nike99999 again. So we thought those drops were his. Simple mistake. It happens. So Valeor just attacks! He does not say anything...just goes after us. Foolish thing to do. We venz him (he will say "I ran out of mp"..but he venzed..we venzed him). So then he talks to us...then he starts to communicate. What? This is very Bush like. ATTACK later. Weapons of Mass Destruction people? Bush went before the UN telling them he was going into Iraq....and the UN lacked capability and he would go in anyway. Basically he attacked with very little communication before hand...a warmonger. Valeor...the same...attacked (we then though..this guy is helping a known bot!).

Only when he started threatening us did we understand he was looking for fight..not to communicate something that was done against him. See that just would not be interesting. Instead...he attacked. Anyways I got ended by him on fvb. yeah I said it. He ended what. He got the upper hand (I guess he had mana this time..LOL) anyways I was determined to give the warmonger a fight. I am tired of taking a passive approach to people like him.

We hear people who like to start shit on global. They talk it up, then get worked up, then there are HUGE fights on fvb. I mean MASSIVE. Now I am not faulting him for attacking me...we had a difference of opinions and he is obviously keeping just between us.. so I will give him points there. But basically I do not like people who shoot first...then talk smack later. I feel kinda good...I basically held my own...against someone who is a much higher level than I. He boasted that he wanted to take me and Yogita on. Brave talk...we venzed him before...cause he....ran out of mana....likely he will run out of mana again....yogita and I are a team..a very good one. Also we are like the borg, we adapt and will assimilate new data, and use it to our advantage. Which is why we have never quit over a game change, like many lineage players.

well...time to go back to the hunt....


p.s pics will come tomorrow from seo-cheon.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lineage Fun!

That's the kind of fun we are having these days...that's right LIN. FUN

its very exciting. We have yet AGAIN figured out a perfect strategy to hunt on the 41st floor and get those nice LD drops..... something we have learned about ourselves...every time there is some major change in lin. we adapt quickly and we are back hunting in our old hunting grounds in no time.

we are like the Borg..we Unite and we Forge new strategies and we adapt ....i like that!!!! It makes us stronger players.....United we stand and kick royal ass...yeah!!!! JeYo Power!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Event....ROCKS!!

We got up early today...and had a good time! We went to toi 41, and then later up to toi 44f. We found many large spawns of ghost, and more dragons than usual. I am very proud of our effort because....we did not need to run! We never venzed once! We also were able to get some nice drops as well.

We got 1bzel, 2ndais, a nzel. It was amazing! So we are hoping that we can get some nzels on toi 39-40. In addition we are hoping to get many nzels, and ndais. We have about 70 nzels as of right now. We have many many bcomr in storage and on our storage characters. So if we can get alot of zels from saves us alot of money when it comes time to blow them up.

Ok here are some pics!

I am hoping for more...Yogita is inching forward...I hope she can post again this week....
I think our blog would be so much cooler if she would post more...

Tata Daewoo!!!

Keeping on track!

Today is wednesday here in Korea. Today is the first day that I really hunted for exp and drops in the morning. I got only about .40 but I also got some gems (love to go the gem mechant!), a nzel, and of course a bit of exp.

I went to dvc6, and yes I can confirm that bots are staying away from the upper floors. This is due to a simple reason...those succs, and succ queens HIT HARD!!!

The bots are on dvc4 were it is much easier with the occasional succ teleing in. I loved it down in dvc6. NO competition from bots, heck there was only one other player up there the whole time I was there. So...I have found a new old spend some time between toi hunts.

Here are some ss!

Both pics are from dvc5 as you can see..and I can confirm that bots are keeping away from even dvc5. The succ spawn was very good there as well with spiders and ettins mixed in too.

So I hope to do the same on thursday and friday as well!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hump day...

This is really going to become a 5 post week. It is a bit warm today, Yogita was feeling a bit low...(cold). I am happy that it is the middle of the week will be a 3 or 4 day week for me, while for Yogita a 3 day week. The following week will be a 3 day week as well. So that is very cool. Also the third week of jan. will be a very short week. So that is nice too! I am not sure what we will do for that time.

There are many possiblilies. Students are completing their exams now. So that means I might be heading home very early today. I feel sorry for many of students.
For those who do not do well (high schoolers in their 3rd year). It can have the potential to ruin their lives. It means that they would have access to only lower level jobs, with little to know upwards mobility. That is if they can not get into a good school.

It is so stressful for them, usually around this time of year you get an increase in teen suicides.

On a lighter note I think that we will go and see a movie at the Movie theater in Gunsan. It has been a long time since we saw a movie in a theater...a loong time!

Ok I have to get ready for class...signing out...bored in seo-chon...



Um there are like NO MONSTERS!!!!!!

This sucks....sheesh...long monsters...UGH.

This sucks...they seemed to have banned 90% of the bots...but forgot to activate the monsters!!!! UGH...Lineage is like...UGH....NO MONSTERS

The picture above is on losus island...there are loads of gators, and MAYBE a was EMPTY...I will log back in...I hope to see scary monsters wandering around.


Uh so I am like hunting dark elves...ya know...getting mith arrows, and rough mith.

THEN I GET THE MESSAGE..the server is going down. In Korea we usually get the wed. update/reset on thursday while at work. So when we get back home the update is already finished. I have a feeling this is not event related...might have something to do about a recent mass d/c in which many bots were missing. On a sorry note Decap. sorry about ur getting ended by the succs...I forgot that you can log in at dvc6 and not back in a town somewhere.


This sucks cause I really need to get at least .50 tonight to stay on track to get 55% by this friday...UGH.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Some recent pics!

Ok here are some recent pics.
Basically I am trying to do what I did a couple of years ago. That is go all over aden to get varied drops. Here I have gone back to fv. I can get a regular amount of exp and some great amounts of crystals. Plus the occasional irfit...and they take alot more to kill even with my pumpkin sword. I guess bows can not be ruled out.
That zel from the lesser normal. We are going up to toi 49, and after that i will go to dvc6..from what I hear bots are there now.
This week I hope to get very close to 60% by the end of the week.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lesser Dragon fun!!!

Uh ok let me start out by saying this....basically 44f has and will always be an elf floor. Mages...ok they have to get to a high level either use very strong summons. Or in one of our friends...actually tank them!! And he did a good job at it. Now as an elf Yogita and i would use our high mr, and er to actually melee them, using VT, with elemental falldown.

With episode 6 we can see another issue arising...magic has be come weaker. So vt is out of the question. The end result? Bows, with high mr. You need the mr in case a ld breath (firey fire oh my!) burns your tail. It can hurt if your mr is low. As much er as you can manage with out taking from Dex, or Int. For us we used high int (NB is still dependant on INT, but now due to bonuses being taken is weaker...MUCH weaker), so 2 nb's we are at 90-95% from a near death burning.

However, I forgot something so basic when it comes to elves...we dont take least we shouldnt. So using that mindset...we totally owned up there. I have a feeling bots will move right back when see us doing what we are going to do.

One helpful spell when used with erase on a LD is slow. Slow em down...then take em out! I will be trying this in situations where there are more than 1 dragon...sometimes 3 in a pack. This method is helpful for floors 41-47....beyond that and you end up with bone dragons, and necros mixed in. Oh and Ghost drop very very fast to a pair of elves on you can imagine what mith or ori arrows would do!

Ok I gotta go...


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another choa making trick...BEWARE

Bascially some player you have never known before will come up to you saying "your a bot and I can prove it!"

While you try to defend your honor of not being a automated bunch of pixels....the noob character lays it on thick.

They say that they know your a bot and that there is only one to prove that you are not....basically by dueling them. At this point they keep bugging you with join request, then start to head out of this point....DO NOT JOIN THE DUEL OR WALK OUT OF TOWN!!!

This is what I learned....basically you join....then when you hit them....them tele away then back the same spot..low on hp' hit em again..chao made and the guards will hit you = quick death + chao+ items dropped!

Here are some helpful ss thanks manopix!!

Yeah....sylas and I kicked bot butt

*Uh...can some one PLEASE tell us how to kill this thing!!!

Well...unfortunately I was unable to, no I forgot to take a ss of the bot that we killed. It was arrows just tore through it. Some bots will fight back...but if they fight back (with dual pink) then....they are dead. So most bots just venz (toi), or auto tele. Knowing this I decided forget it...I am going to go down and grab me some nzels. The end result.....5 nzels!!! along with many venzed bots (auto tele), and a bit of exp (not much). However, we need to over zell the dozens of cloaks that we

Here is a pic....with sylas and I...

Monday, December 08, 2008

Hunting on TOI 41st!

it was just another day in the life of yogita the elf when she got this message from jeyowarrior the fierce mage to come and join him on his hunt....she was so excited for she had heard alot about this fierce mage from the far away land and seen him once or twice and thought to herself, "wow! i wish someone like that could be mine."

so she put on her finest armor and gear and went to meet this mage....they met outside the shop in the city of weldern...they got some pots and supplies for their hunt....he promised to keep her healed and kick those dragons ass.

she was completely enthralled by his power and the way he fought so courageously...even the lesser dragons acknowledged this fierce warrior and bestowed him with gifts of bravery....

they ended there hunt as the night grew darker and more menacing...the fight was splendid and well fought...but the best gift for the little elf was...... the rest she got in the fierce mage's arms.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Double Post today I think!!

We enjoyed the holloween was cool. Together we made about 8million....UGH. We could have done more...but work got in the way. I bought a +8 pumpkin sword...I like it...ALOT. I was wacking on mops like would die.
I will add to int when I level up..cause it will help with the crits damage. Basically Int lowers the mr of the target, while sp deals more damage (Pumpkin sword). I really need that armor for Yogita and I. Now they are too expensive...30mill for a +8...nah..I will hold on to our ala's.

Ok soon I have to go to class...I heard a rumor that the xmas even will be a boss event...DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope so....really. Cause we will use our mage elf combination. We went up to lvl is a pic...

Ok I have to go get ready for class...I hope Yogita will post today!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I got ZERO exp yesterday....I was all stoked and ready to go...then...I fizzled out.
I just felt so.....drained. I needed to head to bed early. Now I feel more charged, and Yogita wants to at it. She is 84% so she is inching closer. Perhaps by the end of next week she can lvl. This weekend we will be very busy.

Ok some pictures like I promised.

Ok i died...yeah...basically communication between yogita and i was out of synch...we both paniced. I died....yogita ran. Basically this happened...these HUGE ungly monsters stroll over....this posionous mist smacks into me....boom i am all green..
then...i notice thier names...ok one dude is like green..ok then i am ready commence ass kicking mode...then i notice one of them is like gold...O.O. HUH? I am lvl 54 so a gold name means this ugly dude means business...basically I run in circles wondering what to do...yogita is asking what I want to do. She is usaually very brave and dies to bosses all the time. This time...she was smart...she could see her husband had no clue, so she high tailed it and told me to do the same. I am still in what heck should I do mode, since ass kicking mode may or may not be an option now with this lvl 54+ monster who is just so ugly right there....poor death knight aka elf with a +8 thors went splat.

CAN SOME PLEASE TELL US...who is the squid thing? We wacked on it for like 15 mins or so....

Ok i gotta go..


Monday, November 24, 2008

Getting her to lvl!!!

Now it is Yogita's turn. She is so close to lvl 52 we can just smell it. I want to celebrate her lvling up. These days we are planning on getting about 1-2% a day. I hope that perhaps tomorrow we can average about 2% day. I will be able to lvl by the middle of dec. maybe even sooner.

We have been trying one of the new areas...and quite simply it is very nice. I the quest to make the travelers pouch is nice. We are in need of the items that can be found in them, while the exp gain is very very nice.

I will post some pics of our adventures later today. Tomorrow will be a long day work wise so I...will only get 1%, which will be the same for today. Thursday I will meet some students for dinner, so...that will be even less exp then.


Money matters....we need to make more dough, cause....I want to get us moonbows, and some battle specific gear. For example, areas where magic resist is needed, then a high -ac mr set. Or if we are on fi and need more ac, then we will have on a high ac set. I think we need to be more diverse if we want to keep our edge.

Ok i gotta go.....GO GO GO YOGITA!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

2x exp!!!!!

Yeah..well seeing as though I am now heading back to Korea....16hrs total flight time...and about....12 hours in between flights...ugh. Well it is not all that bad because i still made about 4.5% so far...which is very good considering...the amount of work that goes into a move like this. In Alaska all told...I must have gotten like...20%. I aim to get more during my 8 hours layover in Portland...ugh I hate lay overs but they have a FREE wifi so..that will be nice. Actually Anchorage also has a free wifi thats pretty sweet.

Ok on to some pics...these are really special just the fishing pic...
I am doing alot of fire valley during the 2x exp event. I am also doing more and more 34-35 floor. I also found out that I can tank many nightmares..nicely with use of a few pots...lesser demons...not any more with out the raw power of the old vt spell...they hurt way to much for me. I did get a ndai from a ash so..that was nice.
I and yogita have been hoarding nzels..we will blow all of the bcomr that we have...we have 50-60 of them on my storage chars. I will post the results here.
Jeff...come on over to Korea....I hope your getting good exp. Uh...that came out of no where.

Moonfang it was good to see u!! I hope ur back for a good long time.

Uh yeah that came out of no where.

Devdas......uh...nothing to say there.

Ok i gotta get some lineage in before I go to the check in...I HATE SECURITY CHECKS....DAMM MY FEET MIGHT STINK..or my socks might be DIRTY...UGH...

Oh well...gotta get to my baby!!!

I call her..bbb



Sunday, October 26, 2008

The New Episode! is tough....

We being elves and being nerfed like crazy. Basically, too weak at this point. Int does play a roll. But...I would need about another 5 to 7 more in on top of the 19 int with items that I have now. So what does that mean? This nerf must in place to prepare us for the stat update...where stats will get to be rerolled. Basically it looks like chars will be able to reroll all stats. That or you will get max rolls based on what ur base stats are, and get to reapply where u put points after lvling up. I personally think it is the first one. Based on what people saw on Korean sites. Elves with well over 600hps, and 300-400 mps! I look forward to this, it I get to reroll all stats, I would look into int/con/wis. With int and con being most important, while wis allowing me to have the mp I need to cast spells, and regen.

Ok so the makes it tougher for us to hunt....mops hit harder and your b2s gets much less mp back, as well as magical bonuses being stripped from elves. This makes no sense to me as elves have always been a magical class. I am just waiting on the stat system...perhaps that can help see how that will change this current system.

I am still optimistic, I made some good exp yesterday....on 35 of all places....i love the x5 floors cause then i run up for a quick break, or if i need to have my mining ship (eve-online) mine from another astroid....then i can do that.

Oh this pc is cool! It is not all that blazingly fast but I just upped it to 2gigs of ram and I can have both games running at the same lin, mine in eve, and go up to the x6 floor to switch or evenually go back to the station to refine and sell my ore...I made a bit a money yesterday, and exp in lineage doing this..not bad...heh.

I wonder if anyone remembers shadowcat. The most I remember about him was that he was an elf that lvled well, but would bitch and moan ALOT. Finally he quit and started playing eve....that must have been....2 years more like 4. So I always wondered what it would be is nice! But this is not an eve-online blog.

Ok i gotta go!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

The long await post...long over due!!!

Well episode 6 and episode u is coming in just....4 days I 3 days. I am excited about that...the changes in gameplay and style will be big. I will start working on karma since in ep6 we can actually see it!! I want those earrings so I will also look into ways that yogita and I can hunt in sanc of evil. I hope it has more open areas....I hate tos. You get these little boring rooms! Also tos has a limit to how many people can hunt there based on the number of people bring pots, arrows, pile it up. Then stay in thier little room for along time! BORING. I will do it if I need to....but still it is boring! I will hunt with yogita there because frags can converted into karma too. It is very expensive...but if our mages do a good job earning cash...and our elves as well....

So I am not too worried about the karma thing using frags means that we can make perhaps 10mill a frags get karma that way with out disrupting our hunts too much. Frag prices are down from the 400k they used to be. They are like 230k now. So if the price drops will help us out with karma gain that way too.

In Lineage if you have experience it is easy to make money. Boss hunting is something I really want to get into after hitting lvl 55 but...our bp has many issues right now. People are busy with rl important issues, some people are getting really bad connections......I really hope things can improve by the end of this year. Cause when I am able to regularly boss hunt...I will use those funds to pay for frags....which means nice steady progress on our earrings!

Before i move on to ss, I think people who buy Adena are fools. Unless it is made legal, it is a stupid risky way to get ahead. I mean they strut around with the best gear....but..some chinese farmer got that item, not them. How, can you feel big and talk so much trash on global to each other. If people stopped buying adena...I could then stop having to worry about getting attacked in elemental graves. The farmers would move on. But you have people who want to get ahead they cheat. I bet some of them have lvl 8 earrings too. It is not so tough if you buy adena or if you bot! Perhaps some of them have loads of money or items stock piled so that when ep6 goes they will buy all the karma they need. I hate cheaters, and general trash talkers.

Ok pic time!!!

I have been hunting alot of 41f...and with my warrior mage...yogita!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Been a Long time!

wow it has been ages since i wrote a post here...apologies!!!!

ok now time for some updates:

the BIG one first : my mage is lvl 40 finally!!! yeahhhhhhhh

it has been alot of fun to play this was a surprise for me that i was actally enjoying playing my mage....shooting arrows is awesome but having things drop coz u used a spell is amazing. i especially love t-uing stuff.

other than that i have been hunting alone mostly since loganus is in the States and i am in India....but we still time our lin. time around eachothers schedule so that we can hunt together...we went on a few hunts to TOI 21f together and also one on was INCREDIBLE..we had an amazing time hunting together.

well, soon we will be back in south korea and then i will be hunting more regularly and on my elf...

ok take care
bye for now..happy hunting!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 got ur wish!!

Firstly I was just fooling around with Differ a good buddy of mine in weldern (we call it fire monster town, it is SOOOO embarrassing to say that on global....LOL).

There where 5 dk's at first then about 6...maybe more. Now that people are getting to higher lvls in the game we really need to see some new faces. The truth of the matter is new people are trickling in. Many are not from the USA, or other English speaking nations. I have seen new indian players join, MANY chinese, and many Koreans. It is so funny though...Koreans join because they hate thier over crowded servers, but...more people mean a bigger market items...I mean all items would then have a value. I bet I could've sold my staff of strength by now if our server was say 1300-1500 people.

Yogita has been doing really nice on her mage, we went up to 41f and owned!!! She lvle up to 41 on her mage, and got like 20% into that lvl.

Talina....Devdas's brother told me this regarding the "business" he had with you. He told me that he helped you with a small number of arrows....2.5k mith arrows, and 1k ori arrows, and that you promised him "help" with an ALA.

/rant on

Now...this makes me sick...and if I were not a better person Yogita and I would have gone on our mages, and pked this fool for even coming up with such rubbish. I told him even if it were true...that is the stupidest deal I have ever heard. I told him I would have thought he was joking....this dude...Paro (dev's brother...UGH!) seemed to think it had merit. Ala's are still rare based on the rarity of ascroll drops. it is about 10mill in the market atm (more like 10.9 mill)

Mith arrows...and ori....we are talking about a very small amount here are like...killing de's for mith (BUTT EASY, and my butt is BIG, so you know that is easy!). Then using the rough mith they drop to make ori and then make a small number of ori arrows. Dev...ur a jackass, u harrassed me and others with an almost hostile way of "Is talina on?" then logging off. I asked you then you said..."i have business with him". Sylas told me Talina is actually a lady.....guess devdas missed that fact?

This issue has been delt with by Lady, but if this fool keeps up...I am leaving the bp, and I will hunt his fool ass down on all of his chars, and alts and multiple brothers. Yogita's +9 yumi will sing, my +7bg will make new marks on his ass. I hate people who beg, and this comes really close to it...actually it is like a wierd kind of emotional scam. I have seen it in India. You get overcharged, so then I tell the guy hey! Why are you charging me 3 times the normal rate? Oh your American...ur rich! WTF?!

Another time this dude wants to sell us these tired looking sunglasses. I ask him how much....20BUCKS!!! It took 30 mins to get this dude to leave us alone. I threaten him at one starts begging us to buy it. "I have kids yadda yadda yadda" This dude was strong enough still his contraband off the back of a truck? Go use that energy in something worthwile. Asshole even had the nerve to call Yogita a bitch under his breath as we were leaving.

So this weird thing with Devdas, and these buddies of his, who are not really his buddies members...sounds wierd. I remember scorpio04 talking some similar jazz when I was in India...Something friend is here. Can you help "HIM" out..not me I am ok but my "FRIEND".

If you search back a while dev's name popped up then with something similar. I will go over that post again as there are many ss's.

I will post snippets of the conversation here.

Now why do I even care? How did Devdas get in to RR in the first place? YOGITA AND I VOUCHED FOR HIM. I told him begging work hard pitch in. He made it seem like yeah he got it...he understood....I took a gamble...because it seemed like Devdas was a kid..

Ugh...his "brother" is 25. I wonder how much he told me is true in the first place. I am so glad I never gave money to him.

/rant off..

ok picts....

The chat ss will not be here.

That was the best ifrit a NZEL!!!

Yogita and I after a hard time hunting got rewarded with a bzel, and lately I have been making a little cash hunting griff and cycs....gotta get those feathers!! I might make a another sayha...but for now..we need more stuff to settle the mages in. Once they are set then we will turn our attention back to

upgrading our elves!

tata! Post 2 will be here in a few hours..

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pushing Ahead!!!

Ok well this update will have to cover two post...because since I have been in ALaska I have been using two different pcs.

I have been doing alot fi recently I only died when pots and mana were low after killing a drake...

stupid me...i should have fully regened at that point...but nooooo....perhaps I can kill some easy bug bears to get started on building up my pot supply....then I run into bug bears....2 bb, and 1 kbb..i think great! BUT there is a cyc, and an etting....with no mana and very low 10

after a short but hot scermish insued....i back pedalled fired off a volley of arrows, b2sed a few times...smartly removed the 2 bb, and king bug bear. But the cyc was pounding on my head....the ettin was hasting itselfs while also bashing me....pumped about 5 pots....volley of arrows...back pedalled...darn...2 dark elves....this is getting out of hand..pump more pots...5 more...cyc is still pounding on me....mana is gone....i panic...i run and scream like a child...and die...

however I am happy because i learned how to solo drakes there i use counter mirror, and with careful managment of mana, i use only 10-15 greater heal pots. No ascroll yet though.. I will hunt some toi then return to fi...I will stay there for a while this time..

ok here are a few ss i took on this pc...

I have been getting good nzel drops on toi 3xf, and i have found a fun past time to get 100's griffs! The feathers earn me about 425k each! So I made about 1.6mill from feathers. The Drake, pic speaks for itself...I have taken down several of them to date..they still scare me a bit...
Oh and Coookie we will hunt together again!!!!! I am so babo!!! We both took on the Mummy Lord...we lost...coookie died but his bp mate testpress killed with cooks back up, and it drop a toi 41 charm....i want to buy it....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sorry Sylas this post is coming a bit late!!

Well this post will be two part.
I will start with a small bp hunt with sylas yas and steppie....we went to 70f and had some fun beating around the mops up there. The exp was ok for the short hunt we had. Basically it was too late for them...not me though! I wonder if I can solo up there...nah the tigers would tear me apart even if I tamed 3 cycs.

Finally today Yogita and I were on a roll! We found 2 bosses and ended them both! Ok well the it boss on the 7th floor was not really just ours. Some high lvl players helped kill it but I got 3k adena! Woot!....not! Drops from bosses really suck! Well we decided perhaps the Dark Elder might spawn since the Demon was up (we wanted to try for him but ran into the it 7 boss Garandur or something like that).
Lo and behold we found him! In the history of this blog we have another recorded fight with him, but actually this is the third time we ended him. Drops.....ZERO. I did not get a ss of the Dark Elder but I got some nice ones of Garuandur!
The ss of the DE really sucks...he was casting his wind spells behind the rock formation...wind rings helped nicely!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Finally...a Bzel!

Finally I am able to hunt dragons after such a long time...and I am use to getting a least 1 bzel least. Sometimes more! This time....after almost 2 weeks hunting em....1 bzel!
On another note Yogita and I will not have to worry about wafers for a long time. We have 6100 of them now.
We are now focusing on our mages. We really need to level them up. I am about 32% into lvl 47. basically I want gargs for hunting it8, and perhaps dragons....perhaps. I am OK at hunting dragons on my mage. Basically it is more ghost hunting than dragon hunting. With the current kg rings...I have 24 int on my mage...wooot!

So I basically just tu ghost and blast the occassional dragon with coc. It worked really well. Until I let a dragon get too close...then poof one firey breath..and that was all she wrote.

I will post pics next time. It feels good to be back..and setting goals. I would like to be lvl 55 by next spring, with the mage at lvl 48 earning alot of money for our elves.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

We are officially back!!

It is about has been over 5 months mainly due to our trying to figure out another way for us to use one of our many bank accounts....we like.....6-7 now...maybe more in the USA South Korea, and now India. Well lo and behold in India...our bank can be used as easily as in the States.

Ok here are some pics....wait before that.....playing lin in India is a different experience...well...playing here in our dads house. You see in India power outages are common.

A storm flooding, engineer Sandeep having tea when his ass should monitoring the electrical grid. Whatever the reason...power goes. The solution? People use what are called inverters. Basically it is like a super car battery that can power select appliances in the home. It really is a very nice way to counter power outtages. Another way with computers, actually 2 that can work together would be a generator, with a UPS solution. That way then power goes UPS will take over for about 5-10 mins, in which time the generator will kick in and recharge the UPS.

That is the setup I would like.

Ok pics time are above....