Monday, December 22, 2008

How to make the moonbow

Ok this was taken from Coronis's blog over at lineageone.

Here is a link to his very detailed info on completing the quest.

Here I will post a much slimmed down version. Mostly for Yogita and I to quickly look at while hunting for the items needed. Firstly I am glad that there are no expensive dragon scales....

ok here it is once again taken from his site...oh yeah here is the link and to Coronis thanks ALOT.

First talk to Robinhood (...LOL)

Give hime apple juice.

4 unicorn horns (island of dreams)
30 breaths of fire, water, earth, wind, and darkness (Lastabad)

*...this might be the hard part...I dont think that these alone are expensive to buy..but..who knows.

20 tears of spirit (elven dung.)

1 spirit of eva (eva temple)

This is just for the bow frame..not the actual bow.

Part 2

Here is where it is good to know where to hunt to get high quality gems

Because to need to bring 10 of each to Jibril in the temple of Eva. (Coronis also meantions that you need an extra 10 tears of spirit)

Once all of these are given to jibril he will give you the dagger of eva, talk to him again and you will get sacred water of eva. (Coronis warned not to click this as it is needed to kill the Cursed Exorcist Sael.

SO with the eva dagger, and sacred water of eva, you have to locate the mop mentioned above in the underwater part of hiene caves...we plan to just use the tele scrolls. Once he is found THEN drink the sacred water of eva.

Take out the monster, and it should drop ring of Saell. Now like many quest in lineage you have to solo her, no grouping. According to Coronis's guide you will have to start all over again if someone else hits her.

Ugh this is quite complicated....but not 70 mill complicated...
You have to return the ring of Saell to jibril....then he will give you Spirit of Moonlight.

Now you take this to robin hood (elven forest), here he will give you a ring of robin hood, and a second list of items to get. (they are very much yumi like items, with griff feathers thrown I know why griff feathers are in high demand now...)

30 griff feathers
40 mith threads
1 ori coated horn
12 ori plates
1 of each highest qualith gems

whew...get those along with the ring and you get the bow.

Now the reason why I placed this here and once again special thanks to Coronis, and Cosa, because this is were it came from; is because we need more sources for guides, lindb is down, lineageone was down for a while. We need more people to put guides up...even if there are others...the more there is, the better. We will have backup sources of information.

Ok I will edit this later with Yogita's polish it up more. Please let me know if I have made any mistakes..


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