Thursday, July 06, 2006

This is the coolest drop I have ever gotten all I need is ROTC...well every little helps. This week we got 2 big drops..well big for us that is....thors hammer (2-3mill), and well.. this 600-700k. I think this puts our savings towards the ala's at about....3-4 mill. Posted by Picasa

This was the recent event for 4th of July...I think we made about 1mill adena thors hammer, and serveral enhancment scrolls. Now I am at 62%....Friday (korea time) will be a big day...cause it would help to be about 63% Yogita is actually steamrolling into lvl 50. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ok this was yesterday...I was soo surprised...the mages up here can be really helpful. We ran too early ...babo us there where about 2 soliders converging on our position....we ...well...venz before they could get to us...but as we where venzing mages tued 2 of them....which meant taking down the last one would be easy as..well pie. Oh and the orc zombies.......hmmm yummy!! Posted by Picasa

Oh and we have decided that is the way we will fund our ala if we do not get an ancient scroll as drop. So far we have about 30 enhance scrolls. Posted by Picasa

OMG......this happened a little while last week...and this was before the event.......what a kick butt Dire wolf!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

I gave Elfcloud about 1k sgems...he is such a great guy. Elfcloud...I am addicted to NB, and my summon...... Posted by Picasa

Wow..this is like a crazy circus...choa made....relaw....chao made....relaw pk a bot has not slowed down my lvling too much because i go to toi with yogita and her NB helps keep me alive. Posted by Picasa