Sunday, November 02, 2008

2x exp!!!!!

Yeah..well seeing as though I am now heading back to Korea....16hrs total flight time...and about....12 hours in between flights...ugh. Well it is not all that bad because i still made about 4.5% so far...which is very good considering...the amount of work that goes into a move like this. In Alaska all told...I must have gotten like...20%. I aim to get more during my 8 hours layover in Portland...ugh I hate lay overs but they have a FREE wifi so..that will be nice. Actually Anchorage also has a free wifi thats pretty sweet.

Ok on to some pics...these are really special just the fishing pic...
I am doing alot of fire valley during the 2x exp event. I am also doing more and more 34-35 floor. I also found out that I can tank many nightmares..nicely with use of a few pots...lesser demons...not any more with out the raw power of the old vt spell...they hurt way to much for me. I did get a ndai from a ash so..that was nice.
I and yogita have been hoarding nzels..we will blow all of the bcomr that we have...we have 50-60 of them on my storage chars. I will post the results here.
Jeff...come on over to Korea....I hope your getting good exp. Uh...that came out of no where.

Moonfang it was good to see u!! I hope ur back for a good long time.

Uh yeah that came out of no where.

Devdas......uh...nothing to say there.

Ok i gotta get some lineage in before I go to the check in...I HATE SECURITY CHECKS....DAMM MY FEET MIGHT STINK..or my socks might be DIRTY...UGH...

Oh well...gotta get to my baby!!!

I call her..bbb



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