With the new update bunnys were..lets just say much improved on!
We are not fans of pets....they seem to die to fast, you can level them sure..but it would suck when they would die and we would run out of rez scrolls (we where noobs back then!)
However I saved up about 1.1mill I was going to go back to our old project of upgrading our ac.....but out of the blue we decided to give killer rabbits a try!
I must say we where not dissapointed. One word of advice...do not go to toi 41f...there are just too many people there...it is much much better up on 44f, I would like to try for 47 but..the fire necros....thier fireball would hurt the bunnies to much.
Anyways I spent all that money on 5 bunnies (I am looking for bunny number 6!)
Lvls 8 now 10, 5 now level 8, 28 (the strongest!), 18 now level 19, and 14 now level 15!
So all of our bunnies leveled up in toi!
Here are the results of the drops...I will let the pictures speak for me!!