Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Whew....we actually have 1 more day!

Yeah....I thought that we only today and then the event would be over tomorro. However as it works out we will have the event for 1 more day. If so I can lvl by next week.....lvl i come.
We have about 40 nzels....need at least another 40-50 before I start blowing items. I hope to make more for us this time.
Yogita is 16% into lvl 51.....nice. I hope to be lvl 54 as she hits lvl 52. We will be a killer team....especially if we have our tarak boots by then.

After the event it will be time for us to hunt the new temple area...we need to get karma.....and I mean alot of karma before epi 6 hits live servers....who knows when that will be....

We will be getting a new pet added.....basically a lesser that is awesome.....maybe elves can have 3 of em! I would own in areas where the mops are weak to fire....heck I would own everywhere!

Actually DI comes to mind....Yogita is might be the time to sell our sextet of rabbits. They have served us well....but LD's.....that is awesome!!!!

Ok I gotta go...I got 2% today.....need another 7-8%. Tomorrow is going to be so important.....


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