Monday, November 14, 2005

It has been a long time!

Now that is not to say that we were not busy!

Yogita is at an amazing 40%! While I am at 79%! Getting exp is easy at my level, esp now that I know which areas to visit. When I get to level 50 I can use a stronger summon that actually uses magic! ALso I will get natures blessing which is a very fast group heal, all I have to do is click on the heal icon and bingo we are healed for an amount greater than greater heal. I do not have to target Yogita with the spell, which can get her and I both killed. we come....(we should last longer up there!)

I upgraded our ac by one more point we now have the +6bcomr, next.....I am not sure...I am leaning toward fire rings 1.5mill x 4 = really darn expensive! ...Actually I have 3.6mill there.....

ok i gotta go!


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