Saturday, February 23, 2008

77% for and 67% for Yogita!

Ok so we see the bzel drop..the dragon that dropped it was way over in a corner...dark those...we have gotten about 6-7 of them...I hope i can sell this one quick. At the amount of cash we now have....I can buy us 2 +7 bcomr....but..i am holding out for a bigger -ac boost..higher plussed gop's, i need a +8 dex helm, we both need +8 ac ac. Once we have what we need I will again try to solo fi....suthernangel has 80 ac....once i have our basic sets up to high ac i will look into high ac sets for us...boe, cop, ib, and the like....the time is coming...I might get a shining belt of body for more hp ...and when I int is high enough drop the int ammy from time to time and use our old orc ammies...they where like 600k when we first bought them...
There is a 10% gap between us, our goals to end this week? 80% for me and 70% for Yogita.

We did some blowing of items....and the result about 1mill we have like...21-22mill once items are sold, I also have a dark cloak...and I will go up to 41f for more bzels...maybe other nice drops as well. If I can make a load of cash lets say multiple hunts with moonfang, suthernangel, yogita and others..I can easily make about 4-5 mill between us. If I can...more blowing is in store. I guess we will have to see...

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