Saturday, February 16, 2008


Lady our hunt was awesome...yet another boss to add to our bosses that we have killed...dropped ok..I ascroll would have been really nice. We killed so many drakes...I lost count at 8 or so.
Now the toi 44f shots...that is for my class...OH I forgot to meantion....lvl 45 morph to use : dark elder. At lvl 52 dk is best. Hell if bots and farmers can hunt there with 45-48 elves you can too.
And 2 bzels...yeah we kick ass!!!!


~X~ said...

hey tried to leave you a comment but it was screwey on me. anyway not sure if you remember me (x100, ronburgundy) but after 14 months in iraq im almost home, should be back in lin within 40 days with a new char and all. anyway feel free to hit me up sometime or i will just see you in game!

Jeyo said...

COOL yeah i know you...we had some great hunts in the past...a new char? why not x100?

Welcome home...glad your safe!!