Thursday, March 10, 2005

Slow week.

It has been a slow week exp wise, and money wise. I think we only made about 300k this week in total drops.....not our usual 1.5-2mill adena. Ugh when the new teacher arrives next week things should be more normal. Hopefully!
We will try to make up for lost time by kicking ents (we already did so this morning and got about 25 fruit (about 80-100k) And we are looking to get about 25 more (then we will have 300 fruits to sell) But we will not sell until late next week, for a total of maybe 500. Then I can buy 2 wds for the sayha.
But we are considering getting the sayha xbow, it fires elemental arrows but the ammunition for bow is we are stocking up on elemental stones....just in case we decide to get 2 of these bows. I think that we will do more damage combined then what we would do with a +9 yumi, and a +7 sayha
mainly due to the elemental damage.....but I may be wrong. I will have to ask around.

Tonight we will also go on a 4hr hunt, to gain exp, and maybe we can get some nice drops as well. We need more 51f scrolls to sell. I hope we can sell 1mill+ worth at the end of next week......We will have to see.


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