Saturday, January 26, 2008

History of blood pledges...

Wow just thinking about this... When we first started playing lineage, where with Jackaal's bp. We were not there for long Mydrin saw us and felt that we would be good for his bp Unicorn. Unicorn was fun, at the time we did have friction with certain members...forgot thier names...because of that we left, and went to SOE, I forgot the princess...Kallyv I think that was her name. She was cool, a bit aggressive..she went on to lin2 or something... Then we joined Thor's bp...we where there for some a year or more. Then thor quit, and lordguess decided to pick up where thor left off. It was great at first...for years. I think almost 2 years. However during that time Meaning was broken up several times. Made a very good friend Rose...she is playing WOW and loving it I hear.

When Lordguess took meaning apart again, Yogita and I decided enough was enough. We just could not go back again. So we went pledgeless for a while...some months. We have joined some noob bp's...forgot the names...many were filled with selfish selfserving royals...or war mongers...but because they were noobs they would get owned...and left to us a heavy burden....

We were lvl 50, and 51 then...levels of members of that bp...forgot the name...20-30's. LOL we learn alot from that.

Now we are lvl 53 me, and Yogita 51, we are both closing on our next lvl ups...we are both going for int. However, we LOVE RRA. Nice people. Cute people. Sweet people. No begging, constant bitching, is the right place for us.

Here are some pics from today. In some blowing fun we where able to make another 2 +5 bcomr....nice..about 1.5-1.6mil. This is a sure fire way to make a good money over +5's a week. People are always blowing is how lineage runs. Now perhaps when we get enough money we can start blowing from +5 to make uber items..

Anyways the pics from above...we went to hunt to so. I will be able to get 61% easy because of our hunt. It was fun. We had only 1 person die...lagged out. We had 10 people in 2 5 person teams. By the end of our hunt we had only 6. This is why I love RRA. We hunt and spend alot time together.

Drops....81f, windwalk...
Basically...I think 71f is great for bp hunts. 41f is good for small or large groups....but expect deaths...many who do go, do not have the high mr, and fire er needed, or the basic skills u need up there... I would go even if I did not have the experience....the drops can be amazing. Once we got like...5 bzels! Ok time to end this post...Abu..we will be coming for you.

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